środa, 9 września 2009

What you need to know when buying a snowboarding jacket for men and women?

You may want to think of buying a snowboard jacket before you will hit the slopes on winter times.

Although it is very important to be owner of a good snowboard and other snowboard clothing accessories, investing on your snowboard jacket will make this sport activity more enjoyable and fun. Do not forget that your jacket creates your characteristic mark among other snowboarders on the hills. This also serves as your defense against the severe cold that will make you warm and dry throughout the snowboarding run. Do not think twice when you are going to get a good snowboarding jacket. Eventually, you will be thankful for its great value that will make it your best friend at the end of the winter. Here are a few things you should do before making that investment.

Check the jacket prices

When inspecting for the jacket prices, you should not just be worried on whether it is on your budget. The big differences in the jacket prices lie on the amount of jacket venting and the quality of its waterproofing. These are the 2 factors where the most of your money goes. More expensive jackets, on the other hand, will provide more venting and will have additional waterproofing to keep you dry and warm.

Check how the jacket breathes

When going for a jacket, you should look for something that you can use contentedly during intense cold conditions and during warmer days. You can check the elasticity of your jacket by checking for venting. The vent make your jacket breath. It takes perspiration out and it also lets the jacket release extra heat. Before you buy a jacket, check if it has zippers that open at the arms as well as at the chest or back that will let you free some of the warmth.

Check the jacket waterproofing

Although you can probably buy an inexpensive jacket that has waterproofing, these jackets more often than not have waterproof coating that wears off over time. This, in turn, requires you to get another one making you spend more than what you actually thought you had saved. In the meantime pricey jackets do not just have waterproof coating but are basically made of a waterproof material. Top of the line jackets also have extra features that will help you like insulated zippers or taped seams.

Check the jacket insulation

Checking for insulation needs careful inspection. The objective is to buy a snowboard jacket that will keep your core temperature and guard you from increasing hypothermia. Look for a jacket that will let you pad quite a few layers of clothing below it depending on the conditions. If you are low resistance to cold temperature, it is sensible to look for a jacket that has a built-in padding. However, do not forget that a high-quality jacket gives you enough padding while at the same time giving you enough mobility.

Check for additional features

When checking for extra features, examine the jacket for additional pockets for your goggles, some handy tools, snack, water, etc. Check the design whether it has a hood if possible a removable one that can be detached during good conditions and can be attached during a rainy day. You should check for cuffs too. These are good for keeping out icy wind from entering your sleeves.

Buying a snowboarding jacket for men or women can be a difficult task but with the above tips getting on one will be no problem.

If you are looking for some jackets on winter check out quilted mens jacket website.